Moving sucks. There have been a lot of projects in my life lately, the biggest and most all-consuming has been my move to new workshop/office space.
When I moved into the old space about 2 years ago, I knew it would be temporary and the true requirements would evolve as business developed. For that reason I didn’t do much, let’s say, decorating. The result was functional and efficient but hardly attractive.
I’m in the BTTC, the Bridgeport Trade and Technology Building, a huge complex of industrial buildings now turned into a “business incubator”. My neighbors include aspirin manufacturers, artists, a guitar maker, a number of woodworking shops, and the leading maker of energy drink components. It is a strange and eclectic mix into which I fit perfectly.
Bridgeport is a tough town, a major manufacturing center that has still not recovered from the decline of US manufacturing in the 80’s. So, the scenery is different, but the rent is cheap.
I’m staying in BTTC but needed space that was both larger and more suited to visits by prospects and customers. A soy candle maker moved out and I started the project that has completely dominated my March.
This photo is pretty early in the process, after the floors were scrubbed and painted, the walls painted and the shelves started. Nobody is going to consider this a high end showroom, but it will serve my purposes well and has great views, sun and vibe. In the back you can see the separate room that will allow me to show product and entertain visitors in a less shop like setting. Also notice that the space has water, allowing me to keep the humidifiers filled in the winter with less headache and backache.
It has been a long and exhausting process but is finally (mostly) done. Onward and upward.