The Higher End Piano Service Call
Bosendorfer Bluthner C Bechstein Yamaha CF Shigeru Kawai Steingraeber Sauter Grotrian Schimmel August Forster Fazioli
It’s Mostly In Your Head
1. Be A Caretaker
- Do no harm
- There is no tonal standard
- Different cultures have different cultural histories with the piano
- uncover the characteristic sound, don’t instill yours
2. Everything Matters
everything matters on all pianos, but at the high level the subtle distinctions of each brand are easily buried
cycle of refinement
3. Results (and efforts to get them) can be subtle
“Life’s a beach” – Udo Steingraeber
At some point, a piano stops being an industrial product and starts becoming a tool for artistic expression.
Don’t look at it as an industrial product.
Look at it as an assembly capable of being slightly better then the sum of the quality of parts and craftsmanship.
Damn it Jim, I’m a Doctor, not a lawyer!
Piano technicians get paid to spend long hours in quiet isolated rooms doing tedious manipulations over and over
the factory gives it body, the technician gives it soul (depends on the factory)
body of sound – tonal variety – volume control
Short Term – Long Term
rough it in – incremental improvements
Always be 30 minutes from walking
Tuning: – stability, clean unisons, octaves, 5ths … everything!
1 mute (no or little strip)
Using an ETD but keep yourself honest
Using a wheelbarrow doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten how to carry sh*t in a bucket