Efficiently make a significant improvement in a pianos tone and touch
It’s all stuff you know…more a philosophy than a bag of tricks
Make a big difference by just banging through it methodically
Your first goal: Refine your hearig and ability to discern good piano tone
Doesn’t have to be perfect – just has to be MUCH better.
Don’t agonize!
Follow circles of refinement. First time close, 2nd time closer
Listen closely
The tone will be changing all the time as you adjust other components.
Piano tone is the end result of a complicated seuence of mechanical actions
Everything matters
You will never get good tone unless all the critical components are roughly correct.
No shortcuts
But don’t get bogged down in the details either.
Your critical decision: how much good is needed at each stage
needling is the very last thing you do
It is not academic! You rill learn to notice improvement in tone at every step.
Only one firm rule
Hammer must be fit to the string (except when it can’t)
The other firm rule
Hammer shape must be maintained
have high standards but reasonable expectations
set blocks of time that make sense to you
be prepared – have thte tools you need
be a machine – be methodical – do sections at a time
always use a voicing block
represent the maker
you can’t put something into the piano that wasn’t there to begin with
Like herding kittens..slowly but surely, over and over
A couple jabs on the shoulder rarely hurts and often helps
Important steps
really good tuning – correct constantly
Check alignment of action – if you’re going to shim the shift block, now is the time
Tighten screws!
check for tone killers:
damper upstop rail
early spring compression
shallow dip
be aware of key level and balance rail hole friction