I’ve owned a Reyburn Cyber Tuner for the last year. Pretty cool little device and very informative to let you know what is going on when one tunes a piano. I’m far from being one of those egg head electronic tuners that are so common at the conventions, but have gotten a little way into it.
One observation: the standard tunings that come in these things stretch the octaves way too much for my ear. I think it is really the drift in the country towards the loud, harsh sound you hear so often. I just don’t think the octaves on a concert grand should beat…it’s just not natural or musical. When I check my aural octaves to the standard tuning in the RCT, I’m flat by a very consistent, and very small amount. Must be my Viennese training.
I took Ferdinand Braeu, the Bosendorfer technical director to see a class by Albert Sanderson, the grand old man of electronic tuning. When it was all done Ferdinand leaned over and whispered “it just sounds out of tune to me” and to me too.
Al tuned it exactly the way he wanted to and the way most people in the room expected. Just too much stretch for us.