Why am I such a Bosendorfer geek?
In a nutshell, everything I know about high end pianos I learned from Bosendorfer. Seeing my first Imperial at the University of Wisconsin/Madison at the ripe age of 20 set me on my path. From then on, there was nothing so dramatic, spectacular and, well, downright sexy as that piano. The extra keys, the shape of the rim, the construction detail, the sound, there was nothing like it, especially not the Steinway D’s scattered about the building.
Later, to my utter amazement, I got the chance to work there. I was trained at the factory, did concert service throughout the US, and became the first US Service manager.
…can you identify the world famous pianist on the right?
Then, again later, after a stint with a major East coast Steinway dealer and 12 years at Yamaha, I had the chance to come back, back home.
But, as I’m sure Ludwig Bosendorfer would approve of (not so likely with John Steinway’s ghost), I’m a high end piano guy first, which is why I’m exploring and talking about other high end manufacturers.
..me and some guy…