I spent some time with Garrick Ohlsson recently during his visit to Tanglewood and recorded our discussion of various piano topics. The stepping off point was his own collection of pianos. [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/5208628″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]
Garrick Ohlsson
The problem with sports
I’m not a sports person. Skinny and hollow chested, I was much more at home behind the music stand practicing horn in high school than doing anything athletic. Now that I’m older I appreciate not having the knee and hip problems that many of my more physically active peers have, but I regret having to […]
Garrick Ohlsson on YouTube
Garrick is a good friend of Bosendorfer and graciously agreed, at an event at the Museum of Arts and Design in NYC, to give a sampling from his upcoming all Scriabin recital. This was music making of the highest order, in the most wonderful, casual, engaging setting you can imagine. Sorry folks, but the youtube […]
Wait, Andreas…let me explain!
Why am I such a Bosendorfer geek? In a nutshell, everything I know about high end pianos I learned from Bosendorfer. Seeing my first Imperial at the University of Wisconsin/Madison at the ripe age of 20 set me on my path. From then on, there was nothing so dramatic, spectacular and, well, downright sexy as […]
Pianos in recordings
I’ve been trying to come up with some examples of recordings where the non-Steinway piano is notated, AND it is a good representation of that makers sound. I have many Bosendorfer examples, mostly Garrick Ohlsson’s vast output. I have also found some bad examples, such as good piano sound but bad playing (no, not Garrick) […]