I’ve rejoined a cult that has had a huge influence on my life for years. And, I’m happy about it!
What does quality mean?
Quality is a term that is passed about with great ease in the piano industry. The term itself has a rather benign meaning; “high grade, superiority, excellence”. But what does that mean in the piano world and is there any reason the term high quality should be limited to certain makers? If you’ve been exposed […]
Travels – Berlin
SPOILER Alert: There is nothing related to pianos in this post. I was back in Berlin recently. This being my 3rd trip, I’m beginning to feel like I know my way around a little. However this time it was freezing and dangerous since clearly nobody shovels snow in Berlin and every single walking surface was […]
The value of classical music
Here is a really great short essay on why serious music is important.
Summer Travel
I’m a pretty good long distance driver and took some long drives in June and July. First I drove to Toronto and back for a weekend Canadian Piano Technicians meeting. About a week later I drove to visit Andre Bolduc in Montreal. That drive is particularly beautiful, going through wonderful forests in Upstate New York […]
Haitink comments on Shostakovich 4th Sympnony
The Shostakovich 4th is one of my most favorite pieces perhaps due to the way I first heard it; performed by the Boston Symphony, me a naive college student walking in completely unprepared. I walked out a different person. This video is short. Make sure you listen to the end. UPDATE: Oh well, the link […]