Quality manufacturer technical manuals are rare. For one reason, they are difficult and time consuming to create. For another reason, certain techniques are common to all pianos and many manufacturers just simply assume technicians know all the steps. However that can be a dangerous assumption. Here are a couple technical manuals from Steinway and Kawai. […]
Teaching at NEECSO
I’ll be teaching 3 classes at NEECSO, the New England and Eastern Canada Regional Seminar, presented by the Piano Technicians Guild. My classes cover both technical and marketing subjects, including: Practical Voicing: A real world approach to voicing intended for new and intermediate voicers Refined Tunings with ETDs: Presenting ways to refine tunings by ear, […]
Tunelab and Cybertuner
I’ve now worked with both Tunelab and Cybertuner piano tuning software. I trained as an aural tuner and tuned that way until about 2005. There has traditionally been a prejudice against electronic tuning devices primarily because of the inaccurate machines that were available prior to the late 1970’s when Albert Sanderson introduced his Accu-tuner. The […]
The Price of Piano Tuning
I am not the cheapest piano technician in the area. I never have been and never will be. Why? Because I’m really good at what I do and I have a very high standard of professional ethics. If you’re shopping only on price I’m not your technician. My concept is one of complete piano care […]
Humidity Is Your Friend!
This winter has been brutal on the east coast, keeping furnaces running and and keeping the humidity inside your house low…terrible conditions for any piano. High humidity can be an inconvenience, leading to sticking keys or a sluggish action, but high humidity rarely causes damage. Low humidity, however, can seriously damage your piano, causing glue […]