Had a visit by an accomplished amateur pianist who is on the science faculty at a very prominent area college. He remarked on the responsiveness of the action before knowing it had WNG action components. At about 5’7″ this Feurich 172 is a really great piano for someone with limited space.
Feurich 218 M
I took a slightly different path with the 218 and got help. I asked Boaz Kirschenbaum of Cherry Tree Pianos to recommend a configuration and perform the necessary surgery. Boaz is also a fan of Ray Negron’s Ronsen Piano Hammer Company products and together we decided on a set only this time made with Bacon […]
An Interesting Collection of Pianos
The new shop has been coming along nicely, becoming more organized, more functional and more representative of me. I’ve been very focused on an August Forster 215 that I’ve been reconditioning, if you call a new pinblock and bridge repair reconditioning. Some of the earlier heavy lifting really bogged me down, but after stringing it […]
Frankfurt Messe 2013
What’s In A Name?
There has been a lot of change at Feurich lately which has led to some confusion. I will attempt to describe the current lay of the land, AS I UNDERSTAND IT. I have been very close to the main players over the past 2 1/2 years and I believe that I have a pretty clear […]
Prep Line – Feurich USA
I’ve been in Tampa prepping the remaining Feurich model 122 verticals that came in last month. Pianos need preparation, folks, to sound their best and these are sounding pretty good (he adds, humbly).